

Supermarket Cash Register Superstore Simulator & Grocery Shopping Games for Kids is fun for all ages! Do you love Supermarket Games, Shopping Games, and Grocery Store Games? Supermarket Games are a fun way to play, shop, and check out like a real customer at the Grocery Store! If you love Supermarket Games and Grocery Store Games, and Running errands with Mom then you will have a blast with Supermarket Shopping and Grocery Superstore! Shop at the Supermarket Superstore, and shop various aisles just like the Superstore Shopping Center! Shop in Clothing, Home Decor, Snacks, Food & Drinks, Household & Cleaning, Beauty & Makeup, Toys & Games, Video Games & Electronics and more!! Supermarket Cash Register Superstore lets you be the customer AND the cashier! Shop for items at the Drugstore, Quick Stop, Gas Station, Supermarket, and Superstore just like you do with Mom! Pick up items, and drop them into the cart! Then head to the Cashier and check out the items via the cash register! Ring up and scan items, and drop them into the bag! Take payment via credit card, and finish the transaction! Supermarket Cash Register Simulator Superstore for Kids is fun for all ages, and teaches kids how to shop and check out at various stores including the Supermarket, Grocery Store, and Superstore Department Shopping places!

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Beauty Girl Games

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İnternet bağlantınıza daxil olun və server kimi fəaliyyət göstərin


Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

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English (United States)

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