

Do you like minecraft games? WorldCraft: Block Craft Pocket is a crafting game like minecraft Welcome to new survival game - WorldCraft: Block Craft Pocket. You must find a key in rooms and then run to the exit. Beware of predators! They can attack you from around the next corner! Run throw numerous labyrinths. Explore secrets rooms and you will be able to find many items, such as food or fresh water, weapons - diamond pick and metal axe. These items will help you get to the exit alive. Features: • Survival game! • Blocky pixel game like minecraft • Different level biomes! • Pixelated 3d graphics! Start your amazing adventure now! Disclaimer: Not an official minecraft product. not approved by or associated with mojang.

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Modern Free Games Studios

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46,17 MB

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İnternet bağlantınıza daxil olun


Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

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