Crazy Naruto: Rekindling the Soul no està disponible actualment.


Crazy Naruto is a game that accommodates the ease of an idle RPG and includes lots of quests to steep players in the fantasy world. Player can select main character from Senju Clan, Uzumaki Clan or Uchiha Clan and explore the Ninja World. In the game, player can recruit lots of Ninjas in the original manga, and fight together with them. Ninja Bond in the original manga can be found in the Ninja Bond system. The game is global real-time battle, no boundary, worldwide synchronization and you will battle with global players. Game Feature: —Idle RPG frees your hands, complete quests with ease Online leveling up and battling are all completed automatically. —Partner Skill All Partner possess their own skills, wield them skillfully to conquer all kinds of high level dungeons. —Tailed Beasts and Akatsuki aid the battle, choose your combination to dominate in PVP Advance Tailed Beast to unlock skill and equip stronger Gear. Level up Akatsuki to gain more Stats and deal more damages, and create more strategies for PVP battles —Transformation System Complete designated task to obtain item, then activate it to gain more Stats. —BOSS System It is divided into Unique BOSS, Server BOSS, Wild BOSS and Golden Gear BOSS, and challenge BOSS to obtain grater rewards. —Arena Arena is PVP mode. Player can upgrade own rank by challenging other player whose ranking is higher, and can obtain Coupons and Feats; use Feats to exchange for items in Arena Shop. —Cross-server Battles ignite the passion Duel with other server players and lead the competition against other servers. —Offline income and leveling Stay true to the goal of joy and ease, players can battle and obtain Silver, EXP and materials even when offline. Activating Monthly Plan can obtain extra rewards.

Captures de pantalla

Als usuaris també els hi agrada


  • Idle RPG frees your hands, complete quests with ease
  • Choose your combination to dominate in PVP
  • Cross-server Battles ignite the passion
  • Offline income and leveling

Informació addicional

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17,37 MB

Classificació per edats

Per a majors de 12 anys



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Español (República Dominicana)
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