Fancy War:IDLE Summoner no està disponible actualment.


[Summon Your Heroes and Upgrade Them] Summoners can use the Crystal summon hero for free in the Summoning Squad, and it may get five-star heroes. The same hero can superimpose the rising star! You can also break down heroes in the Altar to exchange more Fighting Spirits and Green Spirits. [Idle RPG Games] The game is easy and casual. The battle doesn’t need manual control, choose your hero by kinds of smart ways. Upgrade your hero to increase combat power. Fight with other players, just win the glory of the top peak! [More Welfare in Guild] Join the guild to find partners, teams PK, win more gold coins, unlock more levels. Challenge guild bosses, study guild skills, get pleasure from talking to friends! Hundreds of heroes card multi-disciplinary system to enhance the ability of partners to help defend your survival journey! [Easy Gameplay with Offline Farming!] Choose heroes to make with hang-up team whose automatically fighting for you all the time, and get rich resources on offline. The traditional hang-up round combat mode increases the speed-up function, allowing you to quickly defeat the BOSS while liberating your hands and gain more benefits! [Form Your Own Team] A variety of heroes, hundreds of combinations, no the strongest, only stronger. In the game, water, dark, iron and other series of heroes complement each other, adjust the heroes whose going in battle, turn the crisis into victory, and go to the peak of your game! What are you waiting for? Join the team of summoners! FB fan page and contact us:

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