Dieses Spiel verfügt über eine kostenlose Testversion.

CHF 3.10
CHF 3.10


TetroBlocks 3D is an extension of the most popular game in another dimension. Three complexity levels, with an extended set of figures. Four sizes of playing field. Ability to play on the keyboard or on the touch screen. The game can be expanded to full screen or set to an acceptable size for you. Develop your speed of thinking and reaction. Tetris 3D will not let you relax. Easy game at the initial speed, but difficult and requiring critical thinking and reaction at the highest, craziest speed. Rotate the figures in any plane, move around the playing field and then throw them down trying to fill the entire level and it will disappear. Hold out as long as you can enough of your endurance and calm.


Zusätzliche Informationen

Veröffentlicht von

SI Soft

Entwickelt von

SI Soft

Verfügbar ab


Ungefähre Größe

18.16 MB


Ab 3 Jahren

Diese App kann

Auf alle Dateien, Peripheriegeräte, Apps und Programme und die Registrierung zugreifen
Programmgesteuerter Zugriff auf 3D-Objekte
Dokumentbibliothek verwenden


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Unterstützte Sprache

English (United States)

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