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  • Live-Events

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25. September

RAG Overview

Learn how to build a RAG application from the basics all the way to the complex. We'll cover what a RAG architecture looks like, the many tools you can use, some of the different pieces that go into RAG, and then a workshop.
25. September

Learn Live: Operational Excellence with AKS

In this session, we’ll explore the key components of operational excellence for AI applications on AKS, including monitoring, logging, and scaling. By the end of this session, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to ensure your AI application runs smoothly in production, from fault-tolerance to observability. We’ll get hands-on with best practices for running AI workloads on AKS at scale!
25. September

How GenAI is making Application Security harder... and easier!

Description: The rapid adoption of frameworks, DevOps, CI/CD, and agile processes has increased the velocity at which development teams can iterate and deliver, outpacing security teams' ability to address issues. The introduction of GenAI has exacerbated this problem by further increasing delivery velocity and requiring more APIs to interact with AI. In this session, Scott Gerlach will discuss how to ensure your code is protected in a GenAI-driven software development environment.
26. September

Exploring Latest Technical Trends in AI

Join a 30-minute session exploring the latest trends in AI, including generative AI, responsible AI, and automation. Learn how these advancements are transforming industries and driving innovation.
26. September

Mit Sinn und Verstand - Strategien für die moderne IT

Das Cloud Adoption Framework und Well Architected Framework hilft Ihnen, datenbasierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, zu welchem Zeitpunkt, aus welchen Gründen und mit welchem messbaren Ergebnis Infrastruktur und Applikationen migriert und optimiert werden sollten. Es bietet die Grundlage einer optimalen und sicheren Architektur auf Azure.
27. September

Microsoft Power Platform - Fabric Analyst in a Day

Dieses Training ist für fortgeschrittene Power BI-Data Analysts mit Erfahrung in Power BI, aber neu in Microsoft Fabric. Es wird gezeigt, wie Sie Ihre Daten in einer einzigen Quelle der Wahrheit konsolidieren, und mit dieser Ihre Daten analysieren und aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse gewinnen können. Sie durchlaufen die End-to-End- Analyselösung von der Datenaufnahme bis zur Erstellung von Berichten mit automatischer Aktualisierung.
27. September

Microsoft Power Platform - Dashboard in a Day

Erfahren Sie aus erster Hand, wie Sie Ihre Daten mit leistungsstarken Werkzeugen auswerten und präsentieren.
27. September

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Generative AI Fundamentals

Join us to discover how to apply the latest AI advancements to your work. You’ll gain an understanding of the foundations of language models and generative AI applications. You’ll also see how Azure OpenAI Service helps you deliver results using text, code, image generation, natural language summarization, and semantic search.
27. September

Cloud-Native Application Modernization on Azure

Dieses Webinar geht einen Schritt weiter und behandelt typische Herausforderungen einer klassischen Softwarelandschaft und wie Modernisierung in der Cloud helfen kann, damit ihre Prozesse agil bleiben und ihre Applikationen modern und mit geringem Aufwand betrieben werden können.
27. September

Copilot Week: Copilot Prompts beherrschen - Tipps und Tricks für exzellente Ergebnisse

Wie können Sie das meiste aus Copilot für Microsoft 365 rausholen? Ganz einfach, in dem Sie prompten wie ein Experte oder eine Expertin. Lernen Sie von den Experten in dieser Online Session, wie Copilot Ihnen hilft, effizienter, kostengünstiger und kreativer zu arbeiten.
27. September

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 - Your AI Assistant

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich AI zunutze machen können, um Ihre Organisation produktiver zu machen und zugleich die menschliche Kreativität anzuregen und Ihre Daten zu schützen. Sehen Sie, welch große Unterstützung Copilot for Microsoft 365 im Arbeitsalltag ist. Wir zeigen Ihnen konkrete Anwendungsfälle und lassen auch Kund*innen zu Wort kommen, die den AI-Assistenten bereits im Einsatz haben.
27. September

AI Show Folge 3: Entwicklung für alle – mit der Microsoft Power Platform & Copilot Studio

Wir nehmen Sie in Folge 3 mit auf einen Streifzug durch verschiedene Anwendungsszenarien: für bessere Abläufe, mehr Produktivität und – ja, auch mehr Spaß und Motivation! Erfahren Sie aus erster Hand, wie Copilot Studio für eine maßgeschneiderte KI-Unterstützung Ihrer Geschäftsprozesse sorgt – ob bei der App-Entwicklung, der Workflow-Gestaltung oder der Erstellung von Websites und Chatbots.
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18. September

Learn Live: Containerizing and Deploying AI Workloads on AKS

So, you have a new AI workload that you're ready to put into production. Join us as we cover the key considerations for deploying AI workloads at scale, from local development to large-scale deployment on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). We'll get hands on and deploy an AI workload to an enterprise ready AKS cluster. We'll go from "works on my machine" to "works on all machines" in 90 minutes or less!
18. September

Getting Started with Azure API Center

Discover the power of Azure API Center, a new service on Azure designed to provide a structured and centralized repository for all your organizational APIs. This Live Stream will delve into the numerous benefits of Azure API Center, including unified tracking, discovery, reuse, and governance of APIs. Learn how to leverage this tool to create a centralized API inventory, enhance governance, streamline discovery, and facilitate API consumption within your organization. Additionally, we’ll guide you on how to get started with Azure API Center and explore advanced integrations with popular developer tools like Visual Studio Code.
18. September

Building Serverless Application with Microsoft Identity Platform

In this session, learn how to plan and approach your migration from the legacy Microsoft Monitoring Agent/OMS Agent to the Azure Monitor Agent, where used with Azure Monitor and other services.
17. September

Microsoft Discovery Hour: Secure Infrastructure Migration Strategies

Planen Sie Ihre IT-Landschaft in die Cloud zu migrieren? Wollen Sie von der Innovation und Skalierbarkeit einer Cloud-Plattform profitieren? Dann ist Microsoft Azure die ideale Wahl – die Microsoft Cloud bietet Ihnen vielfältige Möglichkeiten, Ihre IT-Umgebung zu erweitern, zu migrieren und zu modernisieren, um sie agil und zukunftssicher zu gestalten. Erhalten Sie hier einen umfassenden Überblick darüber, wie Sie Ihre Windows Server-, SQL Server- oder VMware-Workloads sicher und unkompliziert in die Cloud bringen können. Lernen Sie Strategien, Insights und Best Practices für die Migration und Modernisierung Ihrer IT-Infrastruktur kennen, und maximieren Sie den Wert Ihrer IT-Investitionen. Freuen Sie sich auf eine informative Session – registrieren Sie sich jetzt kostenfrei und entdecken Sie die Vorteile von Microsoft Azure – innovative Funktionen, flexible Skalierbarkeit und umfassende Sicherheitsfeatures.
12. September

Learn Live: Data-driven AI applications and multi-modal search

Curious about AI but unsure where to begin? Feeling lost with terms like vectors, embeddings, Generative AI, and models? This session is designed for you! Join our experts as we dive into building AI applications in Python with cutting-edge technology and models. We'll enhance a serverless Python application using Azure Functions, incorporating AI to enrich and improve the user experience. Using data from Azure Cosmos DB, we’ll tailor AI models to fit our event-driven application scenarios. Additionally, we’ll share practical tips on scaling and deploying AI applications for you to takeaway.
12. September

Pick the right model for the right job

Building RAG and trying to decide what model to use? There are an increasing number of high-quality large language models available, many of which are now available from Azure AI, like OpenAi, Mistral, Cohere, Llama, Phi-3, and more. Which one do you use, and how do you easily switch between them? In this talk, we'll show you how to use the Azure AI inference SDK as well as orchestration libraries like Llamaindex to run the same code with different models. We'll talk about what models work best for different stages of RAG, plus how you can evaluate your choice.
12. September

RAFT (RAG + Fine-tuning) in Azure AI Studio

RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) is the most common approach used to get LLMs to answer questions grounded in a particular domain's data. RAG is a very good domain adaptation technic but sometimes doesn't meet quality expectations. RAFT (Retrieval augmented fine-tuning) is a new hybrid approach to LLM domain adaptation that combines RAG and fine-tuning. In this session, you'll learn how to implement RAFT using Azure AI Studio and its fine tuning capabilities.
11. September

RAG with Data Access Control

If you're trying to get an LLM to accurately answer questions about your own documents, you need RAG: Retrieval Augmented Generation. With a RAG approach, the app first searches a knowledge base for relevant matches to a user's query, then sends the results to the LLM along with the original question. What if you have documents that should only be accessed by a subset of your users, like a group or a single user? Then you need data access controls to ensure that document visibility is respected during the RAG flow. In this session, we'll show an approach using Azure AI Search with data access controls to only search the documents that can be seen by the logged in user. We'll also demonstrate a feature for user-uploaded documents that uses data access controls along with Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.
11. September

Explore AutoGen concepts with AutoGen Studio

In this session we will explore some of AutoGen foundational concepts such as enhanced inference, code executors, and more advanced concepts such as Agents and Agent flows. The session will leverage code both in Jupyter Notebooks and the Autogen Studio code.
11. September

Connections in Azure AI Studio

Dive into the essentials of connecting AI and ML solutions using Azure AI Studio. This session will guide you through setting up AI Studio with best practices for security and access management, highlighting connections to key services such as Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Search, and Azure Storage Accounts. Whether you're implementing RAG chatbots or deploying models, discover how to protect your resources and ensure compliance across your enterprise. This session will highlight solutions from the Microsoft AI-In-a-Box framework, which you can find at
10. September

Build an OpenAI code interpreter for Python

Discover how to build a Python code interpreter tool using Azure OpenAI for the code generation and Azure Container Apps Dynamic Sessions for sandboxed code execution. See how the popular Langchain package makes it easy to generate step-by-step code generation, and how the default Dynamic Sessions environments can call popular third-party libraries like pandas and numpy.
10. September

Microsoft Tech Talks - Mandatory MFA, The Universe, and Everything: A Hitchhiker's Guide to a More Secure Galaxy

Mandatory MFA is happening but don't panic! Join us for an informative session as Sam Monroe describes what the new policy is, how it works, and how it will affect your organization on the upcoming mandatory multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all Azure sign-ins. At Microsoft, your security is our top priority. By enforcing MFA for Azure sign-ins, we aim to provide you with the best protection against cyber threats. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to enhancing the security of your Azure resources. Our goal is to deliver a low-friction experience for legitimate customers while ensuring robust security measures are in place. We encourage all customers to begin planning for compliance as soon as possible to avoid any business interruptions.
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