A group of school students

The Dream Space Ambassador Program is a flagship Dream Space Student Leadership and training program, supported by the Dream Space Team in Dublin and Belfast. The program is open to schools in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) and Northern Ireland (NI). It is designed for students in 5th class (equivalent to Primary 6/7 in Northern Ireland) and TY (Transition Year in the Republic of Ireland, equivalent to 4th/5th year in Northern Ireland). This program is open to students who have a passion for learning and a desire to support, train, and mentor others in STEM education.

As part of this program, Dream Space Ambassadors become Dream Space Specialists, offering assistance to fellow students and educators in the form of demos, training, leading small groups, or one-on-one sessions.

This program is a win-win for both students and educators, providing students with a valuable opportunity to develop leadership and 21st-century skills, while helping to bring the benefits of STEM education to the entire school community. Please note that the team will confirm all the details about this program for AY 24/25 in August.

Dream Space Ambassador Registration Form for AY 24/25.

Has your school taken part in the Dream Space Ambassador Program before?

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