Trace Id is missing
Green plane with shadow of the plane



Non-Genuine Software is a Cybersecurity Risk!

The truth? Cyberthreats are on the rise. Our job as software experts is to provide you with exceptional support while ensuring that you and your clients’ data and businesses remain safe. Using genuine Microsoft software will help you save money, time, and energy, so you don’t have to spend hundreds (or thousands) on a replacement computer or expensive data retrieval programs.

Genuine Microsoft software helps protect your tangible and intangible assets by shielding your data from threats, scams, and spyware. That way, you can browse your computer worry-free.

Blonde lady with black spectacles and a dark blue blazer
A grid of four squares. Top left square depict a person working on computer and bottom right square shows two people in a conversation. Other two squares show text "Shop for windows" and "Shop for Office" on a black background.

Eliminate risks

Identity theft

Your personal and financial data may be compromised and could be used to carry out crimes, like fraud and money laundering.

Identify theft - Hand-typing on a laptop's keyboard

Business Disruption

A data breach, no matter how small, can bring your entire business operation to a halt.

Business Disruption - hand touching a center point

Data Loss

Data compromise can lead to the loss of important personal files and business data resulting in expensive fees to replace hacked computers.

Data loss - A lady touching her head looking at the laptop

Stolen Credit Cards or Bank Details

Hackers can clone your credit card information and access your bank accounts, resulting in financial loss for you or your business.

Stolen credit cards or bank details -  card taken out from a pouch

Reputation and Material Damage

Regardless of your company’s history, a data breach (of any kind) weakens client trust and creates opportunities for competing companies to take over the accounts of even the most loyal customers.

Reputation and material damage - Wood stack fall


Malware can contain ransomware that hackers use to block access to critical data or user accounts.

Malware - Engineer with laptop seeing large blue screen

Understand Your Genuine Product

A man in a suit shakes hands to greet a woman

Buy Genuine Software

Purchasing Software can be quite tricky as counterfeit products and services exist in the market. Avoid the risk, stay safe and purchase Genuine Software. Microsoft’s Electronic Software Distribution, or ESD, can also make it easy for you and the only genuine way to get Microsoft Software online.

Authorized Distributors:

Find Your Genuine Product

laptop with a Windows 11 on screen on a black table


What to know before buying new or used.

Laptop with Windows background with all apps display

Packaged software

Know the verifiable features of genuine Microsoft software.

Laptop with a laptop product website on screen

Digital downloads

Avoid the many risks of digital downloads with these tips for safer shopping.

Want to talk through your Microsoft options?

Microsoft Word, Outlook, Security, OneNote and Microsoft Clipchamp, powerpoint, cloud window tabs