101 Seconds
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On December 11th, 2012, over the course of 101 seconds, a shooter entered Clackamas Town Center Mall in Oregon and opened fire with an STAG-15 assault-style rifle. He killed two people and injured one before taking his own life. Three days later, Sandy Hook Elementary seized our hearts and ignited a firestorm of national debate. 101 Seconds intimately documents two families journeys from grieving survivors to hopeful gun safety advocates even as they are confronted by the reality of gun politics in modern America. As Oregon transforms into ground zero for a reinvigorated debate surrounding the place of guns in American society, the film reveals the deep tensions surrounding gun safety in America and bears witness to the persistent challenges in changing a status quo that results in more than 30,000 American deaths every year.

Información adicional


Skye Fitzgerald

Estudio de filmación

Gravitas Ventures


English (CC)

Año de lanzamiento



1 h 21 min




4.52 GB (1080p HD)
2.41 GB (720p HD)
1.35 GB (SD)

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