

Colossal Cave Adventure brings to Windows the game that started it all - the game that pioneered the computer adventure game genre. While there were other text based computer games before Adventure like STARTREK (incidentally our first release - Star Trek Classic), this was the first text based "interactive fiction" game. The game was created by Will Crowther, a caving enthusiast, who combined a faithful simulation of his cave explorations and elements of fantasy role playing (he was a fan of Dungeons and Dragons), to create an adventure game for his daughters. The game was later expanded and improved in collaboration with Don Woods who introduced additional fantasy elements like elves and a troll. This is a faithful reproduction of the original game, ported to work on your Windows device. Here is how the game's introduction starts: "Somewhere nearby is Colossal Cave, where others have found fortunes in treasure and gold, though it is rumored that some who enter are never seen again. Magic is said to work in the cave..." Now.. what are you waiting for? Let's go on an Adventure!

Capturas de pantalla

Novedades de esta versión

Initial release.


  • Explore a massive, interactive world
  • Collect treasure, solve puzzles, fight the bad guys all in glorious 80x25 text
  • No physical keyboard? Swipe up and use the soft keyboard
  • Have important work to do but can't resist playing? Multitask in docked mode!
  • Save and Restore your games
  • Works completely offline

Información adicional

Publicado por

The Game Company


Terms, Copyrights, Privacy:

Desarrollado por

The Game Company

Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

343.87 KB

Clasificación por edades

Para todas las edades


Acción y aventura


Obtén esta aplicación cuando hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta Microsoft e instálala en hasta diez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Términos adicionales

Política de privacidad de Colossal Cave Adventure
Términos de la transacción
Términos de la licencia de Colossal Cave Adventure
This is a port of the original Colossal Cave Adventure game by Will Crowther and Don Woods. Many programmers and enthusiasts have since added, modified and improved the game.

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