

Hazari Card Game : হাজারী তাস খেলা slightly different version played in Bhutan. The name was given as 'Hazarey' or 'Hazaray' and the rules The total value of the cards is 380, made up of 11 for each Ace, 10 for each King Queen or Jack, and all pip cards from 10 to 2 are worth their face value. Card Combination of Hazari Card Game : হাজারী তাস খেলা The game of Hazari is based on comparing 3-card combinations. The types of combination from highest to lowest are: 1. Troy, 2. Colour Run, 3. Run, 4. Colour, 5. Pair and 6. Indi. A higher type of combination always beats a lower type - for example any Colour Run beats any ordinary Run. Between two combinations of the same type, the one with the higher cards wins. Troy Also known as trial. Three cards of the same rank. Higher cards beat lower cards so the highest Troy is A-A-A and the lowest is 2-2-2. Colour Run Three consecutive cards of the same suit. Ace can be used in a run of A-K-Q which is the highest or A-2-3 which is the second highest. Below A-2-3 comes K-Q-J, then Q-J-10 and so on down to 4-3-2, which is the lowest Colour Run. Run Three cards of consecutive rank, not all of the same suit. The highest is A-K-Q, then A-2-3, then K-Q-J, then Q-J-10 and so on down to 4-3-2, which is the lowest. Colour Three cards of the same suit that do not form a run. To decide which is highest, compare the highest cards first, then if these are equal the second card, and if these are also equal the lowest card. For example ♦ - ♦ 9- ♦ 2 beats ♠- ♠- ♠7 because 9 is higher than 8. the highest Colour is A-K-J of a suit and the lowest is 5-3-2. Pair Two cards of equal rank with a card of a different rank. To decide which is highest, compare the pairs of equals card first. If two players have pairs of the same rank, compare the third non- matching card. Indi (or Individual) Three cards that do not form any of the above types. They are not all the same suit, no two cards are equal in rank, and they are not consecutive. To compare two such combinations, compare the highest cards first, then if these are equal the second card, and if these are also equal the lowest card. In a Run or Colour Run Ace can be adjacent to 2 or King but not both at the same time. For example 2-A-K in one suit is not a Colour Run but just a Colour, lower than A-K-3 but higher than A-Q-J. Hazari Card Game : হাজারী তাস খেলা -- A player who has finished arranging cards into groups announces this by saying "up", after which the division of cards into groups cannot be changed. Hazari Card Game : হাজারী তাস খেলা Scoring Each player counts up the value of the cards they have collected (the grand total for all 4 players must be 360), and adds this to their cumulative score. Then if no one has reached 1000, the cards are shuffled and dealt by the next dealer and the game continues. Download Hazari Card Game : হাজারী তাস খেলা play with friends !

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