

Are you studying, Science, Biology, Physiology or Anatomy? Are you interested in the human body or a science, biology, medicine, biomedicine, biomedical science, nursing, pharmacy, health or exercise science student? This short adventure game will help you work through questions surrounding some of the major concepts in physiology, anatomy and the study of the human body. There's no negative if you get a question wrong - so answer the call and save the kingdom!! This game has been developed to encourage students in a range of health sciences or medicine courses to revise the content covered in Physiology and Anatomy (~Year 1 level) - but will be relevant to anyone learning about the human body. Thanks for playing!!!

Snimke zaslona

Korisnicima se sviđa i ovo


  • Adventure RPG with a questline to save the castle and help the king
  • Battles use your knowledge of Physiology, Anatomy, Biology and Health Sciences to defeat the bosses
  • Engaging virtual world with nearly all features, items and components interactive
  • Gold system: Find gold, uncover treasure, explore the map and use the currency within the in-game shop
  • Walk, run, or take a boat out to the open ocean as you reach all corners of the kingdom
  • Hidden bosses, secrets and fun things to uncover throughout
  • Sassy, silly humorous encounters, characters and events
  • All questions and content fully approved and curated by scientists, clinicians, and medical educators
  • A unique method to revise and understand human physiology and anatomy
  • TOTALLY FREE! No adds, no costs, yours to experience - it's a short adventure game and you may learn something - why not have a go!!

Dodatne informacije


Physiology with Dr Christian


Physiology with Christian

Datum izdavanja


Približna veličina

133,61 MB

Prikladnost za određenu dob

Za starije od 3 godine



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