Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill Edition er ekki í boði eins og stendur.


The Silent Hill Edition of Dead by Daylight includes the base game, the Silent Hill Chapter, the Alissa Gillespie outfit for Cheryl Mason and the Dark Wish outfit for The Executioner. The Silent Hill Chapter includes a new map, Midwich Elementary School: the childhood trauma that once took place in its halls has since manifested itself into a twisted, nightmarish design. The new Killer is The Executioner: take control of Pyramid Head and wield his great knife to unleash his twisted brand of punishment on all who cross him. The new Survivor is Cheryl Mason, a courageous, outspoken woman who survived the hellish Otherworld of Silent Hill, and exacted revenge on the Order that killed her father. With experience beyond her years, she's prepared to once again stand against any evil that confronts her.



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Behaviour Interactive Inc.

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Behaviour Interactive Inc.



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60,73 MB


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