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939 kr.
939 kr.


'Shogi -Japanese Chess-' is the Windows Store version of the most popular Shogi game. ■What is 'Shogi' Shogi, also known as Japanese chess, is the most popular thinking game in Japan. Unlike chess, the captured pieces could be returned to the board to be used as a piece for the captured player. Why don't you challenge this exciting Japanese game! The Help feature within the game will help you understand the rules of Shogi. Shogi -Japanese Chess- has 300 different levels of play from beginner to expert. The thinking engine 'Kanazawa Shogi' has improved to become one of the strongest Shogi app. Also we have provided more different levels for beginners to learn and enjoy this board game. *The levels are set as: Level 1-100 for beginners Level 100-200 for intermediate (10k-1k) players Level 200-300 for advanced (1d-3d) players Challenge to win medals by defeating computer! You will win medals by defeating computer. If you collect a certain number of medals, new types of board and pieces will be awarded.



  • Help about Shogi rules
  • Human vs Computer, Human vs Human(sharing a single device)
  • Save/Load game record (CSA file)
  • Hint
  • Beautiful graphics and realistic sound effects
  • Automatic reading out for each move in Japanese
  • Enable to view full game history of the game record and restart game from the selected move


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Copyright © UNBALANCE Coporation/KIWAME

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106,32 MB


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Tungumál stutt

English (United States)
日本語 (日本)

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