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Welcome to a city builder’s paradise village builder game! Have fun and bring your most ambitious architectural dreams to life! Build everything you’ve ever wanted! Over 1000 unique buildings and decorations will help you create your very own SuperCity. Cozy coffee shops, luxurious villas, splashing fountains, playgrounds, and lots lots more! There’re always lots to do at the Mayor’s office: * Build beautiful homes for your citizens * Organize filming a reality TV show * Make friends with Superzilla’s caring mom and her adventurous little boy * Help aliens repair their spaceship * Arrange a beach volleyball tournament * Harvest crops of exotic fruits on the farm * Visit your friends … and plenty more! Transform your little town into a shining megapolis and share the secrets of your success with your neighbors! Please note: You can play SuperCity for free but some items require payment. Make your town a dream world for shopaholics, foodies, and party people or for everyone all at once! SuperCity always has something fun to do! Join in! Support: https://playkot.helpshift.com/hc/en/4-supercity/contact-us/ Help Center: https://playkot.helpshift.com/hc/en/4-supercity/ Community: https://www.facebook.com/supercitycom


Fólk kann einnig að meta


  • Beautiful graphics with great colour and style
  • Over 1000 unique buildings and decorations
  • Charismatic characters and fun quests
  • Real-life monuments to decorate your town
  • You can play with friends and help each other out


Útgefið af

Playkot Ltd


© 2022 Playkot Ltd

Þróunaraðili er

Playkot Ltd



Áætluð stærð

180,16 MB


Fyrir 3 ára og eldri



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