या गेम विनामूल्य चाचणी आहे



Play Snake like it is 1997. This is a remake of the original Snake, complete with dot-matrix display and monotone sounds. Rewind time and get a dosis of nostalgia that is as addictive (and frustrating) as the original. Play Snake '97 and be prepared to lose some productive hours. Simply launch the app, touch a button and start! Snake '97 features: - old school controls - dot-matrix display - original monotone sounds (bleep bleep) - 9 original and 3 extra difficulty levels - Snake 1 and classic Snake 2 - 7 classic game modes (5110, 3210, 8210, 8850 and 3310, 3410 and 7110 with Snake 2) - bonus creatures (Snake 2) - go through the walls! (Snake 2) - 5 original and 2 extra labyrinths (Snake 2) - a high score that cannot be reset (just like the original) - world wide rankings: compete against players from all platforms The story behind this game is that my smartphone got damaged, requiring me to revert back to an old phone. Suddenly I knew the smartphone was missing something and the idea for a accurate Snake remake was born. Snake '97 is an homage to the classic mobile phone game programmed in 1997. By carefully analyzing the classic gameplay, timing and controls, this Snake '97 remake is one of the most accurate available. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to contact me. Have Snake fun! Best regards from Amsterdam, The developer, Willem.


कृपया हे ही पसंत करा

या आवृत्तीमध्ये काय नवीन आहे

Big update, featuring: - 5 original and two new larger game modes (3410 / 7110) - optimized graphics - runs as Windows 10 app, full screen or in Window mode - play by touch or keyboard controls - greatly improved responsiveness of the touch controls - play in wide screen (entire screen is a button) - pause anytime by touching the center of the virtual screen - world wide highscores and ranking (all platforms) Please leave a review to let me know if you like this update, thanks!

अतिरिक्त माहीती

च्या द्वारे प्रकाशित केलेले

dsd 164 B.V.

रीलिझ तारीख


अंदाजे आकार

18.61 MB

वय रेटिंग

वय 3 व वरीलसाठी

हा अनुप्रयोग करू शकतो

आपले इंटरनेट कनेक्शन ऍक्सेस करा


आपल्या Microsoft खात्यात साइन इन असताना हा अनुप्रयोग मिळवा आणि आपल्या दहा पर्यंत Windows 10 डिव्हाइसेसवर स्थापित करा.

भाषा समर्थित

English (United States)

प्रकाशकाची माहिती

Snake '97 वेबसाइट
Snake '97 समर्थन

अतिरिक्त अटी

व्यवहाराच्या अटी

या उत्पादनाचा अहवाल द्या

साइन इन करा हा गेम Microsoft कडे रिपोर्ट करण्यासाठी
रिपोर्ट करा हे उत्पादन अयोग्य सामुग्रीसाठी आहे

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