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Mail Protection Reports for Office 365 - Nederlands

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  • Version:


    Date Published:


    File Name:



    File Size:

    2.7 MB

    2.7 MB

    This reporting workbook provides you with a detailed view into the email protection data that is available in the Office 365 Reporting dashboard. This workbook is available to all Exchange Online and Exchange Online Protection customers. The workbook provides summary graphs for a number of different types of email message filtering. This includes messages identified as spam, malware, or good mail (mail that cleanly passed all filtering). It also shows graphs for messages that were identified by either a transport rule or DLP policy (Exchange Online customers only). The data for the summary graphs is pulled locally via a web service call. After loading the summary data into the workbook, you can perform deeper analysis through the use of data slicers. These allow you to change the view of the data in order to identify trends or unusual activity. When such a condition is found, you can click through from the summary to the detail data. Another web service call will be made to pull the detail data that you can use to identify the actual messages that caused the condition seen in the summary graph.
  • Ondersteunde besturingssystemen

    Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008

    Required Software:
    Microsoft Office Excel 2013
    1. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
    2. Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (for Exchange Online Protection customers only)
    3. An Office 365 subscription that contains Exchange Online or Exchange Online Protection
    4. Email address you use to sign in to Office 365

  • 1. Install the required software if it is not already installed.
    2. Download the installer. Select the installer that aligns with your version of Excel 2013. For 32-bit Excel 2013 use the 32-bit MSI
    3. Run the installer and follow the prompts.
    Note: Customers who purchase EOP as part of the Exchange Enterprise CAL with Services subscription plan should install the workbook by selecting the Exchange Online service rather than the Exchange Online Protection service.
    4. After completing the installation, open the workbook in Excel 2013 using the shortcut on your desktop.