වර්තමානයේ Viking Journey 2 ලබා ගත නොහැකිය.


The year 853 a.D. - the dark years. Dive into the mystical world of the Norse gods and Vikings. Take on the role of Ulfberth and use your economic and strategic skills to develop your island to power & prosperity. Defy intuitively and smart all dangers and protect your growing people from hostile raids and the beginning of Christianization. Historically, the Vikings were far more than just only brutal warriors. They were genius shipbuilders and explorers, far superior to the peoples of their time. Out of necessity - their home country Northern Europe was rough and poor - they going to explore other lands. They sailed all the seas, discovered new coastlines and developed their commercial centers Haithabu and Bircha on wealth and power. This is where our story of Ulfberth, once marshal in the armies of the great Viking chief Ubba, who conquered large parts of northern England, begins. After a lost battle and a desperate escape across the sea, your ships are destroyed in a storm. Only you survived and being washed up on the barren coast of an island - the dead island of Valhalla. Here you meet the thunder god Thor. Since you are still alive and you cannot stay here, Thor will give you a second chance and an assignment. Your escape from Valhalla and Odin's guards brings you to Skullwald - your new fiefdom. In addition to the main scene 'Skullwald' with its detailed simulation of economy, climate and calendar, there are seven new game scenes that you can achieve with increasing experience and experience new adventures: - the Wallhalla fortress - the Old Castle - the Wizard Hut - the Old Forge - the Huntsman Cabin - the Tavern 'Wild Boar' - the battlefield of Kalstark


මෙම අනුවාදය තුළ අළුත් දෑ මොනවාද

Upgrade offer for owners of Viking Journey 1 - realize an Upgrade discount of 66% if you upgrade until August 31, 2020 ! This update is recommended for all Viking Journey 2.1 players. In addition to memory and speed optimizations, the following improvements have been introduced: 1. a completely new mouse and screen control system for easier gameplay. 2. Introduction of a circular menu to display all menu items in a central menu 3. The scenes 'Wallhalla Fortress', 'The Old Castle' and 'Battleground of Kalstark' have been reworked and many features have been added. Note: The game offers InApp purchases, but is also playable without any additional purchases.


  • Hand painted characters with realistic animations
  • Realistic simulation of economics & production processes
  • Realistic Time & Calendarfunction
  • Realistic Weathersystem
  • High resolution 3D Graphic system

අතිරේක තොරතුරු

ප්‍රසිද්ධ කරන ලද්දේ

MTbrain Development


(c) 2017-2020 MTbrain Development


MTbrain Development

නිකුතු දිනය


ආසන්න වශයෙන් තරම

3.43 GB

වයස් ශ්‍රේණිගත කිරීම

වයස් 12 සහ ඉහළ සඳහා

මෙම යෙදුමට හැකියි

ඔබගේ අන්තර්ජාල සම්බන්ධතාවයට ප්‍රවේශය ගන්න


ඔබගේ Microsoft ගිණුමට ඇතුල් වී සිටින අතරතුර මෙම යෙදුම ලබා ගන්න සහ ඔබෙග් Windows 10 උපාංග දහයක් දක්වා ගණනක් මත ස්ථාපනය කරන්න.

සහය දක්වන භාෂා

English (United States)

ප්‍රකාශක තොරතුරු

Viking Journey 2 වෙබ් අඩවිය
Viking Journey 2 සහාය

මෙම නිෂ්පාදනය වාර්තා කරන්න

ඇතුල් වන්න මෙම ක්‍රීඩාව ගැන Microsoft වෙත වාර්තා කිරීමට
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