Lemnis Gate: Windows Edition - Pre-Order ไม่พร้อมจำหน่ายในขณะนี้



Lemnis Gate is a time-warping, turn-based, multiplayer combat strategy FPS. Over five alternating turns taking place in a 25” time-loop, you are called to master the unique abilities of a varied cast of deep-space operatives and outskill, outsmart, and outmanoeuvre your opponent in mind-bending, four-dimensional battles. Pre-order and receive: - 20% Off Full Price - Exclusive In-Game Mettle Mantis Suit and Weapon Skin for KARL KEY FEATURES THINK DIFFERENTLY Matches in Lemnis Gate take place within time loops. You have 25 seconds to execute your action, be it blasting an enemy, manoeuvring your operative, or setting up your next move. After all players have taken turns, the next 25-second round begins. Now you’ll face what has happened while setting up what will happen. Each of the five rounds is your chance to alter the timeline as past, present, and future converge. A TIME-BENDING TACTICAL SHOOTER With a varied cast of characters to choose from, how you play is up to you. Lay damaging toxic waste in your enemy’s path, slow time to land the perfect shot, or deploy protective orbs to assist your future self. Every operative possesses a distinctive loadout and special ability that proves decisive on the battlefield. TEAM UP WITH YOURSELF Welcome to the team comprised entirely of one: you. With Lemnis Gate’s innovative auto co-op feature, you command every member of your side. Auto co-op gives you total control of five deep-space operatives, effectively enabling two competitors to duke it out in bustling ten-character matches. Become a literal one-person army. COUNTLESS POSSIBILITIES, ENDLESS OUTCOMES From the first second to the last, anything can happen in Lemnis Gate. Each round is a fresh chance to implement an unbeatable new strategy – or earn redemption from an earlier error. Predict hostiles’ routes, infiltrate enemy lines, and develop multi-layered gameplans by co-operating with yourself. Experiment both in and outside time, and get creative with causality. A HOST OF MODES AND MATCHTYPES Create a match to your preference. Pick between a 1v1 and 2v2 contest, online or offline. Select your mode amongst three thrilling spins on established genre staples. There’s Retrieve XM, in which you scramble to collect exotic matter and return it to your gate; Domination, which is about competing to capture zones; and Seek & Destroy, where you attempt to wreck your opponent’s Resistors. Whether teaming up with a friend for "hotseat" local multiplayer, or pitting your operatives against online rivals, Lemnis Gate lets you set the board to suit your style.





Frontier Foundry


Lemnis Gate © 2021 Ratloop Games Canada. Published by Frontier Developments plc. 'Frontier' 'Frontier Foundry' and the Frontier logo are trademarks of Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.


Ratloop Games Canada




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เข้าถึงไฟล์ทั้งหมดของคุณ อุปกรณ์ต่อพ่วง แอป โปรแกรม และรีจิสทรี
ไม่สามารถติดตั้งบนอุปกรณ์ Windows 10 ใน S โหมด


ติดตั้งในพีซีที่ใช้งาน Windows 10 และสามารถเข้าถึงได้เมื่อคุณเชื่อมต่อกับบัญชี Microsoft ของคุณ ทั้งนี้การติดตั้งต้องได้รับการอนุมัติจากผู้ดูแลระบบก่อน


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Русский (Украина)


เว็บไซต์ Lemnis Gate: Windows Edition - Pre-Order


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