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The realm of Teleria is under a Shadow cast by the Dark Lord Siroth in the east. You are one of many long-dead Telerian warriors to be resurrected by Teleria’s immortal guardian – the Arbiter – to stop it. Encounter an expansive range of strategy, innovative blended PvE and PvP gameplay modes, peerless character skill customization, and explosive clan-centered cooperative play. Join players from across the world and stamp your name among the heroes of Teleria. Intense PvP Arena Throw down the gauntlet and brawl with other players in fierce arena battles. Smoke your competition, climb Tiers, and earn valuable Rewards. Soar up the rankings to earn rarer Items and the respect of your enemies! 600+ Champions Victory awaits those who can rally the right Champions. Approach Orcs, Undead Hordes, and Lizard Men to unite as one. Secure the loyalty of Champions from 16 distinctive factions and stake your claim to honor. Epic Boss Battles Go up against fearsome bosses to earn loot, XP, and special Champion drops! Battle your way through the Fire Knight’s Castle, the Ice Golem’s Peak, the Spider’s Den, the Dragon’s Lair, and more. 1+ Million Builds Unlock a variety of Masteries and build your team your way. Level up your Champions to complement each other and craft a strategy to make the best use of them. Set yourself apart from your rivals and dominate!

Знімки екрана

Нові можливості в цій версії

CHANGES, FIXES, IMPROVEMENTS - Fixed a bug that prevented the game from being launched through the Microsoft Store FEATURES: The Guardian Ring. This is a new building providing a multitude of ways to use duplicate Champions. You can: - Use duplicate Champions to boost their whole Faction's stats - Empower Legendary Champions with their own duplicates to make them even stronger - Unbind duplicate Legendaries to get Life Tokens, and then exchange those Tokens for new Champions!


  • Develop And Manage Your Bastion
  • Collect Powerful Champions
  • Fight Epic Boss Battles
  • Deep Tactical Play
  • Hassle-free Autoplay
  • Massive PVE Story Campaign
  • PVP Arena
  • Visceral 3d Artwork

Додаткові відомості


Plarium Global

Авторське право

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners © 2010 - 2024 Plarium. All rights reserved.



Дата випуску


Приблизний розмір

33,7 МБ

Вікова категорія

Від 12 років і старше


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Отримувати доступ до всіх ваших файлів, периферійних пристроїв, програм і реєстру
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Завантажте цю програму, не виходячи з облікового запису Microsoft, та інсталюйте її щонайбільше на десяти пристроях Windows 10.

Підтримувані мови

English (United States)

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