

Block Puzzle - Wood Legend is a addictive and classic puzzle game! Challenge yourself and play the best mind game with building blocks. Exercise your concentration - Best Brain Games for Kids and Adults with Wooden Puzzle Building Blocks for free and become super smart right now! Boost your memory and have fun at the same time, it is only possible with this cool puzzle game, so hurry up and pick it for free! How to play? * Drag the blocks to move them. * Try to fit them all in the row or column. Then the block will be clear and you get the point. Game will be over if there are no space for any the shapes below the grid. * Blocks can't be rotated. * Don't worry! No time limits! Features * Wooden style blocks * Fun and classic brick game * Funny and beautiful graphic * Free game and not need Wifi * Free retro block puzzle for all age Now try to enjoy it!

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