Ayni vaqtda Metal Force: PvP Car Shooting Game’dan foydalanib bo‘lmaydi.


The slogan of this crazy game is to drive and kill! Nothing else! Invite your friends and play together ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE! DEFEND THE HONOR OF YOUR COUNTRY Fight for your country! Face opponents from the USA, China, Russia, Japan, Germany and many other nations. EXCITING GAME MODES Choose your battle mode! Crazy mayhem in the free mode or coordinated attacks in group battles? Communicate with players from many countries in the general and clan chats! YOUR TANK – YOUR RULES You will have various combat vehicles in your battle arsenal. Each tank represents a unique tactic, a unique warfare style. Use a light tank for recon missions on the enemy territory and hit-and-run tactics! Pick a heavy and powerful tank to get the blow on your powerful armor and strike back! TANKS UPGRADES SYSTEM Unlock new tanks and upgrade them according to your strategic goals. Show your supremacy by using camouflages and decals. Turn your tank into a death machine! VARIOUS COMBAT LOCATIONS Lots of battle arenas in all corners of the world await you! Get into the heart of the battle created by the modern 3D technologies! BECOME THE BEST Join our fan communities. Stay up to day on the latest updates! Compete in tournaments and take first place on the leaderboard! Earn all the rewards and share your achievements with your friends on Facebook Fill your life with intense sensations. Start your own battle! Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MetalForceOnline REQUIRED CONNECTION TO THE INTERNET NETWORK.

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Dear friends! We are glad to introduce you new update! • Join in the battles for strategic location - new map is waiting for you! • Platoon battles are released - now you can play with friends together! • We added changes on Korea and Siberia maps based on your recomendations • Various bug fixes.


  • MMO Action Battle Game
  • Destroy your enemies in explosive PvP online battles
  • A huge arsenal of cars and weapons
  • PvP Online warfare cars shooter wargame
  • Light, medium and heavy military weapons
  • Use abilities in the right time to change the tide of battle and cross enemies out from arena!
  • Fight in breathtaking battles with champions from all over the world
  • Beautiful 3d graphics and visuals

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