Confrontation of Kings: Guarding Kingdom Wars 目前無法使用。


Confrontation of Kings: Guarding Kingdom Wars is a multiplayer strategy war game in the world. You can make friends with players all over the world in the game. Or compete with them and feel the joy of war. The throne of the king is waiting for you, do you dare to come? Real-time language translation, competing with war game enthusiasts around the world. Defend your city, attack other players, and experience the blood of war between attack and defense. Contact Us: Facebook: Follow fanspage and contact the administrator to get the Free luxury gift packs. ****** Game Features******* ——Get started easily and quickly integrate into the game world! Players can build various buildings in the game, fast novice guidance, convenient operation experience, allowing players to integrate into the game faster and get a first-class gaming experience. ——Develop strategies, to weakly win! In the game, different arms attack modes are different, combined with different layout strategies, so that the battle situation has changed. ——Enriched play, feel the charm of game! A variety of gameplay and growth settings make for a spectacular game world. Players train a variety of arms, and the arms constitute a different formation of the combat system. ——Allies or enemies? The game focuses on the interaction between individual players and individuals. Players can plunder and attack others in the game, or resources to enhance their own strength. Social chat is also available, allowing players to make more friends during the casual game. Train your troops, attack the enemy, manage the city's resources, are you ready to join the war against thousands of troops?




1.Add alliance camp.Player can assemble attacks and get rich rewards 2.Optimize the combat system and arms attributes 3.Other performance and balance optimization


  • Get started easily and quickly integrate into the game world!
  • Develop strategies, to weakly win!
  • Enriched play, feel the charm of game!
  • Relaxed social, experience the fun!



Gekko Game Company




278.59 MB


適合 12 歲 (含) 以上



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English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
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Deutsch (Liechtenstein)
Unknown Locale (En-AF)
English (Antigua And Barbuda)
English (Anguilla)
English (American Samoa)
English (Australia)
Unknown Locale (En-AW)
Unknown Locale (En-AX)
English (Barbados)
English (Bangladesh)
English (Bermuda)
English (Bahamas)
Unknown Locale (En-BT)
English (Botswana)
English (Belize)
English (Canada)
English (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
English (Cook Islands)
English (Christmas Island)
English (Dominica)
Unknown Locale (En-ET)
English (Fiji)
English (Falkland Islands)
English (Micronesia)
English (United Kingdom)
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English (Gibraltar)
English (Gambia)
English (Guam)
English (Guyana)
English (Ireland)
English (Jersey)
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Unknown Locale (En-KH)
English (Kiribati)
English (Saint Kitts And Nevis)
English (Cayman Islands)
English (Saint Lucia)
English (Srilanka)
English (Liberia)
English (Lesotho)
English (Madagascar)
English (Marshall Islands)
Unknown Locale (En-MK)
Unknown Locale (En-MM)
English (Northern Mariana Islands)
English (Montserrat)
English (Malta)
English (Mauritius)
Unknown Locale (En-MV)
English (Malawi)
English (Namibia)
English (Norfolk Island)
English (Nigeria)
Unknown Locale (En-NP)
English (Nauru)
English (Niue)
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English (Papua New Guinea)
English (Philippines)
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English (Palau)
Unknown Locale (En-RE)
English (Solomon Islands)
English (Seychelles)
English (St Helena, Ascension, Tristan Da Cunha)
English (Sierra Leone)
English (Swaziland)
English (Turks And Caicos Islands)
English (Tokelau)
Unknown Locale (En-TL)
English (Tonga)
English (Trinidad & Tobago)
English (Tuvalu)
English (Tanzania)
English (Uganda)
Unknown Locale (En-VA)
English (Saint Vincent And The Grenadines)
English (British Virgin Islands)
English (U.S. Virgin Islands)
English (Vanuatu)
Unknown Locale (En-WF)
English (Samoa)
English (Zambia)
English (Zimbabwe)


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