Graphic of woman holding mobile device, standing between two screens

Being a good digital citizen

The distance and anonymity of some online interactions can make it tempting to be a less kind version of ourselves. Instead, we can all take responsibility for creating a kind, respectful environment.

Taking the Digital Civility Challenge

These simple strategies will help create a better online experience — for you and others.

Graphic of a person in a hard hat pointing to an icon

Live the golden rule

I will act with empathy, compassion and kindness in every interaction, and treat everyone I connect with online with dignity and respect.

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Respect differences

I will appreciate cultural differences and honor diverse perspectives. When I disagree, I will engage thoughtfully and avoid name calling and personal attacks.

Graphic of a person holding a mobile device

Pause before replying

I will pause and think before responding to things I disagree with. I will not post or send anything that could hurt someone else or threaten my safety or the safety of others.

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Stand up for myself and others

I will tell someone if I feel unsafe, offer support to those who are targets of online abuse or cruelty and report activity that threatens anyone’s safety.

Empathy and resilience

Being empathetic is about being able to put yourself into someone else’s shoes. It’s a way to help create positive experiences and be awesome online.

Why should I have empathy?

Being able to put yourself into someone else’s shoes allows you to think about how a situation might make them feel and help you understand why a person might have posted something you don’t agree with.

Graphic of a person holding a mobile device and thinking

Quick Quiz!

What do you know about being your best self online?