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SharePoint Server 2016
SharePoint Server 2016 has been designed, developed, and tested with the Microsoft Software as a Service (SaaS) strategy at its core.
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SharePoint Server 2016 has been designed, developed, and tested with the Microsoft Software as a Service (SaaS) strategy at its core. Drawing extensively from that experience, SharePoint Server 2016 is designed to help you achieve new levels of reliability and performance and empower users while meeting their demands for greater business mobility.Supported Operating Systems
Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019
Hardware and software requirements for SharePoint Server 2016
Software requirements for Project Server 2016- To start the download:
- Select the desired installation language from Select Language.
- Click the Download button.
- Click Save to copy the disc image file to your computer.
- Double click the disc image file to mount it as a drive on your computer.
- Navigate to the mounted drive.
- Run splash.hta to launch the SharePoint Server 2016 Start page.
- Click Install software prerequisites to launch the Microsoft SharePoint 2016 Products Preparation Tool.
- Follow the instructions in the tool to complete the installation of the software prerequisites.
- On the SharePoint Server 2016 Start page, click Install SharePoint Server to launch Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Setup.
- When prompted, provide a product key. You can use one of the following trial product keys. The trial period is 180 days. You can convert to a licensed installation at any time during the trial or after the trial has expired by entering the appropriate product key in Central Administration.
- Enterprise trial product key: NQGJR-63HC8-XCRQH-MYVCH-3J3QR
- Standard trial product key: RTNGH-MQRV6-M3BWQ-DB748-VH7DM
- Note: You must use an Enterprise product key for SharePoint to enable Project Server 2016.
To enable Project Server 2016:
- Install SharePoint Server 2016 using an Enterprise product key.
- Create a SharePoint Server 2016 farm.
- Launch the SharePoint 2016 Management Shell.
- Execute the following command in the SharePoint 2016 Management shell: Enable-ProjectServerLicense -Key <Project Server License Key>
- You can use the following trial license key. The trial period is 180 days. You can convert to a licensed installation at any time during the trial or after the trial has expired by entering the appropriate license key with this command.
- Project Server trial license key: Y2WC2-K7NFX-KWCVC-T4Q8P-4RG9W
- Review Enable-ProjectServerLicense for detailed setup instructions.
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