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Woman in spectacles
Microsoft AI

Realize business value with AI

Optimize your organization at every level and uncover valuable new opportunities with Microsoft AI solutions.

Deliver impact with AI innovation

Advance productivity

Streamline employee tasks, facilitate communication, and accelerate service delivery.

Maximize efficiency

Optimize operations at every level and plan confidently for future industry trends and business needs.

Improve business outcomes

Generate new products and services, personalize customer experiences, and enhance decision-making.
Work Trend Index Special Report

See how customers benefit from generative AI

Explore key research findings on the impact of Microsoft Copilot.
of Copilot users said they were more productive
said Copilot improved the quality of their work
said Copilot helps them get to a good first draft faster
said once they used Copilot, they didn’t want to give it up
Explore business value

The Business Opportunity of AI

See how every dollar spent on AI yields an average ROI of USD$3.50 in this study by IDC.

Achieving more—using our own solutions

Everyday use cases, transformed by AI

A woman working with multiple screens in office

Boosting seller and support agent productivity with AI

Service organizations, sellers, and marketers across companies are using AI to streamline and optimize their communications.
Two woman sitting in office, talking and smiling

Using AI for breakthrough customer service experiences

Employees at more than 63,000 organizations—including brands like 3M, Prada Group, Campari, and Kraft Heinz—are using AI to deliver innovative customer experiences.
A woman wearing spectacles looking down in the screen
Next steps

AI Use Cases for Business Leaders

Discover the common scenarios and processes where AI is poised to have the biggest impact.

Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

Boost productivity with AI embedded in the apps your organization uses every day.

Microsoft Copilot for Azure

Simplify cloud operations and management from cloud to edge with an AI companion.

Microsoft Copilot for Sales

Drive efficiency with AI capabilities that help you streamline processes and create personalized content in Microsoft 365 apps.