Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Two - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) no está disponible actualmente.


Now that Jesse and the gang have vanquished the Wither Storm, saved the world, and become totally super famous heroes, life has gotten a bit more...complicated. With more responsibilities and less time for adventure, old friendships have started to fade -- at least until Jesse’s hand gets stuck in a creepy gauntlet that belongs to an ancient underwater temple. Together with old pals and new comrades alike, Jesse embarks on a brand new journey filled with tough choices, good times, and at least one temperamental llama. Includes access to all five episodes (Episodes 1-5 available now!) in this all-new series from the award-winning studio, Telltale Games.

Capturas de pantalla

Información adicional

Publicado por

Telltale Games

Desarrollado por

Telltale Games

Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

6,99 GB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado a partir de 7 años


Acción y aventura


Puedes instalarlo en tu consola Xbox One doméstica y tener acceso cuando estás conectado a tu cuenta Microsoft.

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