Master of Secrets - Dark Times in Europe no está disponible actualmente.


Welcome to the Magistrate, the place, unaccountably shrouded in mystery, keeping its secrets zealously. This is the Covert Chancery of the Miltenstein country. Cryptographers are in great respect here. In the place, where everyone wants so save their secrets and unveil others. Knowledge rules this world, isn't it? Start your studies and explore the art of Cryptography. Each your action influences the course of events. Each secret has its price. And people keep them zealously. But remember that some secrets are better to be left unsolved. People of the Abacus say that, Magistrate is involved in the coup. And the Magistrate, in its turn, blames Abacus. How to find out, who's right? Something is wrong in the country. Magistrate, the Order of Prosecutors, the mysterious Abacus and even the Royal Court work an angle. Your neighbors wish to get the Albiom formula! And they aren't above declaring war. There was an attack! You are to unveil as many encryptions as possible to save your homeland from the enemy! Don't forget what you've been taught: • Each mystery could be solved. Unveil all the secrets, fallen in your hands; • The one who owns knowledge, owns the whole world: investigate numerous intrigues and conspiracies; • It is rather dangerous to know too much: use the given knowledge and make decisions carefully; • Remember, that each your action will have consequences; • One person can change everything: put an end to the coup against the Royal Court, show traitors' true colors, and stop the enemy, who dared to attack Miltenstein. The cryptic world of encryptions and mysteries is waiting for you. Unveil all its secrets!

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