

A nostalgia-fuelled first person shoot 'em up inspired by classic arcade games. Save the Earth, burn the Sun. To pay off your life debts you’ve been uploaded to one of millions of nano-workbots in the Sun’s core to prevent solar flares by breaking down neon isotopes. You control an ion cannon in a 360º gravitationally affected environment, firing positive and negative ions using left & right triggers at incoming neon isotopes of varying ‘charge’ to eliminate them.    Neon uses a modern day reboot of the classic retro arcade style. Featuring vector polygonal lines and surfaces illuminated by pulsating neon lighting with immersive 360º action. Each of the 42 levels of the game have been carefully crafted with each formation requiring a different strategy to achieve best times. There’s a solid sense of progression and a steady ramping up of difficulty - ideal for introducing non-gamers to VR but challenging enough for more experienced players. Levels develop to include stronger gravitational forces, more isotopes, and new kinds of jeopardy. Boss levels with super-structures need new strategies, with a selection of power-ups such as slo-mo, shockwave and solar blossom mode adding to the fun. Your sassy AI sidekick Seren has always got something to say - but is mostly just sarcastic. Utilising the talents of three music producers (Forward Memory, Dynamix, and I Am Galactic), Neon features an original soundtrack of ambient electronica, synthwave and electro which complements the modern-retro styling of the game.
 “It’s like Tron had sex with an atom” - some guy on Reddit

Capturas de pantalla


  • 42 levels of intense old school arcade psychedelic action.
  • Original soundtrack of ambient electronica, synthwave and electro.

Información adicional

Publicado por



Galactig / Rondo Media Cyf

Desarrollado por


Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

1.31 GB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado hasta 13 años




Obtén esta aplicación cuando hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta Microsoft e instálala en hasta diez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Información del anunciante

Sitio web de Neon VR

Términos adicionales

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