

What would it feel like if Helsinki was the city of Aleppo and you were there? What kind of possibilities does virtual reality offer to journalism? Aleppo-Helsinki is a pilot project developed together with YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company) around the possibilities that virtual reality offers for journalism, storytelling and personal experience in the beginning of 2017. In the virtual experience the audience is taken first to a familiar scenery in a normal day Helsinki. After a while the Helsinki scenery changes, now resembling more like the news images of a bombed down and deserted city of Aleppo in Syria. The experience was developed in co-operation with Teatime Research Ltd., Yle Kioski & Yle Beta.

Captures d’écran

Informations supplémentaires

Édité par

Teatime Research Ltd.

Développé par

Teatime Research Ltd.

Date de sortie


Taille approximative

1,01 Go

Classification par âge

7 ans et plus




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Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

Informations sur l’éditeur

Site web de Aleppo-Helsinki

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