

We have specially brought this game for you which will help you to pass your free time easily. This game is 😮 very scary because in this game no enemy will be able to attack you from anywhere. You will have no option but to run away. Search, Find, Escape! Mysterious, tricky and full of surprises! You will have to first go to one house and in that house you will be given the password. By remembering that password, you will have to open the room with the helicopter part hidden in the other house, but it will be a challenge for you because you will not know which what the lock key is from. In this game you will get three types of locks. First you have to go to the house and find the password, if you missed the password, then you have to remember that password and leave that house and go to another house, but you will find many enemies on the way, avoiding which you have to move forward. Find the answers of town mystery in the game with escape the room stories. Your mission is just that you have to find the piece of 🚁 helicopter hidden inside the house and put it in the helicopter. You just have to complete the helicopter but it is not that easy task. First you have to find the password, after getting the password, you have to open the lock with the help of that password, due to which you will be able to find the parts of the helicopter. Escape room stories Features: 🚁 Challenging levels 🚁 More than 100+ unique puzzles 🚁 Addictive story mode 🚁 Amazing graphics and gameplay 🚁 Family Entertainer suitable for all ages 🚁 Humane hints for perfect assistance 🚁Made easily understandable for beginners 🚁 Challenge yourself by completing achievements 🚁 Endless hours of entertainment. 🚁 Charming rooms with lots of hidden clues. 🚁 Beautiful graphics designs and sound. 🚁 Realistic graphics

Captures d’écran

Informations supplémentaires

Édité par

LucknOk Game

Date de sortie


Taille approximative

147,83 Mo

Classification par âge

7 ans et plus


Action et aventure

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Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

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