Quantum Retribution - Mystery Escape n’est pas disponible pour l’instant.


You woke up in a small, strange room. It is very dark here and only monitors on the wall produce faint light. Fear and misunderstanding eventually break out. WHAT is this place? WHO brought you here? What is their INTENTION? ...You don't even remember your name! Many questions but few answers. But soon they'll make you remember. Remember every waking moment and every mistake you made. In comparison to their "confessional" methods, death would be mercy. After countless tortures, trials, mysteries, and interrogations, shards of memories provide a clear image. It turned out that you were involved in a big experiment that ended in a terrible disaster! It seems that you really deserve all these trials... But was that really entirely your fault or just a coincidence? You need to get to the truth by all means! For this purpose, you are to face the ghosts of your past and be true to yourself. Only in this way you'll be able to persuade your jury that you're right. Here is advice to you: THINK. Little secret, you have a brilliant mind; SOLVE PUZZLES. You've been doing it all your life; REMEMBER. You can find all the answers in your past; DON'T GIVE IN TO THE FEAR. Fear only prevents us from making best decisions; BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. Don't compound the situation. Use your sharp mind to leave this place and get a chance to have a new start or become just a memory. It's totally up to you to decide!

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Informations supplémentaires

Édité par

Gamenesis, LLC

Date de sortie


Taille approximative

307,82 Mo

Classification par âge

12 ans et plus


Arène de combat multijoueur en ligne

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Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

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