A(z) Agents of Mayhem - Preorder Bundle jelenleg nem érhető el.


Agents of MAYHEM is an open-world, third-person action game from the team behind the Saints Row Franchise! Pre-Order and receive: • 9 premiere skins adding a unique look to each Mayhem Agent, with 3 premiere skins exclusive to this pre-order. • Lazarus Pack containing new Mayhem Agent, new missions and new skins as it becomes available. In Agents of MAYHEM, you run a no-holds barred operation against a shadowy super-villain organization known only as LEGION and their mysterious leader, the Morningstar. You play as a variety of Super Agents – each with their own distinct look, personality, weapons, and skills. Explore the city of Seoul to rout out LEGION operatives and their vile plans to take over the world.


További információ


Deep Silver


Deep Silver Volition

Megjelenés dátuma

2017. 08. 18.

Hozzávetőleges méret

859,65 MB


18 éves kortól


Akció és kaland


Telepíthető az otthoni Xbox One konzolra, valamint elérhető Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve.

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Tranzakció feltételei

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