A(z) War of Rings: Medieval Fantasy Game jelenleg nem érhető el.


War of Rings is a medieval fantasy 3D MMORPG game. In this game, players travel to the wondrous homelands of the elves, dwarfs, gnomes, orcs, cyclopses and more in order to collect 27 powerful rings and save the world! Featuring many unique game modes and systems, such as the free equipment system, where equipment is obtainable only via killing monsters. The free trade system, in which players can freely trade items without price restrictions. A powerful and diverse social system, including Emperors and civilians, masters and apprentices, guilds and teams. Plus a balanced and exciting world boss system where bosses can be found across the world map and refresh all day long. Game features: NEW ERA, OFFLINE AUTO-COMBAT • Unique auto-combat system design that even offers offline auto-combat will help you to upgrade and kill bosses when you are busy, creating a win-win situation for both work and play. ADVANCEMENT, EXCLUSIVE CUSTOMIZATION SYSTEM • Featuring a fully customization system, in which you can advance as you see fit, outside the constraints of a traditional class system. Acquire your very own exclusive titles, spectacular skills and featured looks. COOL MOUNTS, CUSTOMIZABLE LOOKS • Dozens of cool mounts including tyrannosaurus, skyfyre and griffins are at your service. Customizable equipment and looks will make you stand out of the crowd. TRADE FREELY, BUY OR SELL EQUIPMENT • In the market of this game, you can freely sell any unused or extra equipment obtained from killing bosses or completing quests. None of your resources or time shall be wasted. Experience an exciting adventure, defeat the mysterious Devil Dragon, don't ever miss it.


A verzió újdonságai

What's New 1. New Feature: Path of God, Mecha Warrior 2. New Item: Martial Lord's Heart, Forbidden Guard 3. New Map Optimization: 1. Daily Quests optimized. 2. Interfaces optimized 3. Game performance optimizations.


  • Free trade
  • Props synthesis
  • Soul Trial Field
  • Rune system

További információ


Entertainment Technology

Megjelenés dátuma

2020. 01. 13.

Hozzávetőleges méret

387,7 MB


12 éves kortól


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English (United States)

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