Conan Exiles – Deluxe Edition
A(z) Conan Exiles – Deluxe Edition jelenleg nem érhető el.


Get Conan Exiles and all four DLCs released in 2018! Conan Exiles – Deluxe Edition contains: • Conan Exiles • The Imperial East Pack • Jewel of the West Pack • The Savage Frontier Pack • Seekers of the Dawn Pack Conan Exiles is an open-world survival game set in the brutal lands of Conan the Barbarian. Survive in a savage world, build your kingdom, and dominate your enemies in brutal combat and epic warfare. Explore a vast, seamless world full of challenge and opportunity. Hunt animals for resources, slay monsters for treasure, and delve deep underground to discover the secrets of ancient civilizations. Conan Exiles can be experienced in both local single-player and in persistent online multiplayer.  The four core DLCs allow you to build great and unique strongholds with a host of new building pieces from different cultures. It also gives you the opportunity to dress yourself in exotic armors and wield fearsome weapons and get your hands on exclusive pets and decorative tattoos.


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Hozzávetőleges méret

40,36 MB


18 éves kortól


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English (United States)

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