1 200,00 HUF
1 200,00 HUF


With Duplikat you will have fun developing your skills in all those word games where you have to combine letters to form crosswords. At the beginning of the game, the app displays 7 letters drawn from the "bag". You then try to find the highest scoring word and place it on the game board. When you have decided or at the end of the thinking time (when you are playing a timed game), you tap "Validate" to enter your move. At this point the app announces the "max score", i. e. the word that gives the highest score in context and places it on the board. You only score the number of points corresponding to the word that you have found. The app then draws the new letters from the bag, and the game continues. - All games can be saved for replay or sent by email (in csv or txt format) - The app supports several languages: French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch and Romanian. - Several types of board are available: Scrabble, Words With Friends, Wordfeud, Lexulous - Display of the current max score on option - Timed game (15 seconds to 10 minutes) - The Anagram tab allows you to search for words that can be formed from letters in the current rack, taking into account the constraints specified in the "Filter" area.


A vásárlók további kedvencei

A verzió újdonságai

- user interface improvements


  • Word game helper

További információ


Matthieu Leschemelle

Szerzői jogok

Matthieu Leschemelle 2017-2019


Matthieu Leschemelle

Megjelenés dátuma

2019. 09. 09.

Hozzávetőleges méret

9,57 MB


3 éves kortól



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