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2 425,00 HUF
2 425,00 HUF


FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! Embark on an exciting adventure between magic and illusion. Conduct your own investigation, solve the disappearance of a rising theatre star, and discover the secrets behind the curtains of the Parisian theatre. IMMERSE YOURSELF IN THE LORE OF 19th CENTURY PARIS! A young journalist witnesses the kidnapping of a theatre star, Beatrice Le Brun. The ambitious girl then undertakes her own investigation. BECOME THE DETECTIVE AND SOLVE FASCINATING RIDDLES! As it turns out, the main suspect is one Charles Delacroix – a world-famous illusionist who mysteriously vanished some time ago. EXPLORE HAND-PAINTED LOCATIONS AND LOOK FOR CLUES! When the journalist and her young associate – Beatrice’s brother – follow the kidnapper, more and more of the truth about the abduction and a mysterious romance come to light. OVERCOME CHALLENGING HIDDEN OBJECT SCENES! Is it all just smoke and mirrors, or true magic and pure evil? What really hides in the underbelly of the Parisian Theatre? Discover the identity of the kidnapper and thwart his plans before it’s too late!


A vásárlók további kedvencei

További információ


Artifex Mundi

Megjelenés dátuma

2017. 10. 30.

Hozzávetőleges méret

939,61 MB


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