5 200,00 HUF
5 200,00 HUF


Charm Games brings you FORM, a surreal adventure that unfolds within the confines of the human mind. Dr. Devin Eli is a brilliant physicist at the global technology mega-conglomerate Mindful Laboratories. Working in seclusion at an atmospheric research facility in the Alaskan wilderness, Dr. Eli is on the brink of uncovering the meaning behind a mysterious signal coming from a secret artifact - The Obelisk. Playing as the gifted Dr. Eli, you have superhuman powers of geometric visualization - the unintended consequence of a childhood trauma. Use your powers to follow the signal through The Obelisk and explore dream-like memories to unlock puzzles in your own mind. This path could lead you to a new existence…or it could leave you trapped in your past forever. “It’s immersive, engaging and beautiful, setting a new standard for virtual reality and visual design” 4/5 – Hardcore Gamer “FORM shows a command of the medium that few have grasped with such clear intention” 8.5/10 – Road to VR “Charm Games has created a mesmerizing experience from start to finish.” 4/5 – VRFocus


További információ


Charm Games Inc.

Szerzői jogok

Copyright 2017 by Charm Games Inc.


Charm Games

Megjelenés dátuma

2017. 10. 17.

Hozzávetőleges méret

2,82 GB


7 éves kortól

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Telepíthető egy Windows 10-es PC-re, valamint elérhető Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve.

Támogatott nyelv

English (United States)

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