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Get GUNFINGER now FREE and experience the most awesome shooting adventure on phone and tablet! SHOOTER GAMEPLAY REDESIGNED FOR TOUCH Easy to pick up, challenging to master, it’s up to you and your fast finger skills to mow down hordes of undead hillbillies using the GUNFINGER aim system. A NEW CHALLENGE FREE EVERY DAY There’s always something new with Daily Challenge, enjoy playing a new mission every day! POWERFUL UPGRADABLE WEAPONS Customise an arsenal of unique weapons, including shotguns and sniper rifles, to take down undead monsters, rescue civilians and complete increasingly challenging skill missions. STUNNING HIGH-END GRAPHICS Featuring some of the most awesome 3D graphics you’ll see on a phone or tablet, GUNFINGER supports cutting edge effects like real-time reflections, shadows and normal maps. INSANE GADGETS Use your bag of special gadgets to ensure the undead stay dead, including ‘head-popper’ ammo to make their heads swell and explode! CRAZY COMBOS Chain together combos to boost your score by performing trick shots and special kills. OVER 70 MISSIONS OF SHOOTING MAYHEM Join the NE1 secret agency and embark on your adventure to defeat Doc Monday in more than 70 missions set across locations including spooky farmsteads, desert canyons and underground mines. Fight zombies, monsters and even… rubber ducks. AND COMING SOON… THE STORY CONTINUES… Your adventures with the NE1 Agency are set to continue with new story missions in totally new locations. ALL NEW WEAPONS AND GADGETS Up your arsenal with even more powerful weapons and all new NE1 gadgets. FACE NEW ENEMIES The Zs are evolving, look out for enemies with new offensive and defensive abilities in updates coming soon. GUNFINGER is completely free to play, but some in game items are offered as an optional purchase. You can turn-off payment features by disabling in-app purchases in your device’s settings.


A vásárlók további kedvencei


  • Shooter gameplay redesigned for touch
  • A new challenge every day
  • Powerful upgradable weapons
  • Insane gadgets
  • Crazy combos
  • Over 70 missions of shooting mayhem

További információ


Pixel Toys

Szerzői jogok

Copyright © 2014 Pixel Toys Ltd. GunFinger and Pixel Toys are registered trademarks of Pixel Toys Ltd.


Pixel Toys

Megjelenés dátuma

2014. 05. 22.

Hozzávetőleges méret

411,75 MB


12 éves kortól



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