1 025,00 HUF
1 025,00 HUF


> DON'T MISS IT, YOU MUST READ! https://hsoftart.appspot.com/WorldviewLog.htm Do you suppose your memory is perfect enough? Now it's time to really test and upgrade it with HAVING GREAT FUN. Even if you have been disgusted by memory games, most probably you'll become fan of this one. The game has been designed for all kind of players from kids up to most advanced players. Have a good time and enjoy it! Also recommend the game to all your friends. DETAILED INFO: Game promotes memory training as providing mental simulation. Its goal is to discover all identical pairs of pictures by flipping dynamic 3D cards. All game and menu are integrated in one modeled animated environment supported by fine sound effects. Game is easy and intuitive in use. It has 7 subcategories of difficulty. 3 game modes (quick, multiplayer and campaign). 7x12 levels including bonus levels. In the game you can use already grouped elements by type or even create your own custom group. You have opportunity to create also backgrounds custom group. Win the levels, unlock achievements, beat score records, open new levels and enjoy them with family and friends in multiplayer mode.



  • • Brilliant quality HD graphics, animations & sound effects
  • • Graphics acceleration (60 frames/sec animations even on old devices)
  • • No back doors, 100% of code writed by Vardan Norayr Grigoryan
  • • 3 built-in themes
  • • 3 game modes (quick, multiplayer and campaign)
  • • Multiplayer up to 4 players
  • • 7 subcategories of difficulty
  • • 7x12 fine levels (including bonus levels)
  • • Win the bonus campaign mode levels and unlock it for quick and multiplayer modes
  • • 20 classic, over 30 animal, over 20 fruit, over 20 Christmas elements
  • • Special elements
  • • Use built-in groups of elements or even create your own
  • • Over 20 backgrounds
  • • Create custom group from backgrounds
  • • Over 20 worldwide achievements
  • • Worldwide leaderboard
  • • Levels autosave/restoring
  • • Energy saving system

További információ


Vardan Grigoryan

Szerzői jogok

Vardan Norayr Grigoryan


Vardan Norayr Grigoryan

Megjelenés dátuma

2017. 02. 01.

Hozzávetőleges méret

50,51 MB


3 éves kortól

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