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+ Alkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál


NEW ADVENTURES OF FAMOUS SHERLOCK HOLMES ARE WAITING FOR YOU. If you love detective stories, adventures, unexpected turns of a plot – this game is for you. Our new detective game is TRULY free: you can download it for free and spot the hidden objects with no in-game purchases. The valuable exhibit is stolen from a collection of Lord Crowley. Traces of malefactors lead to India. SCANDALOUS ROBBERY IN THE CITY OF LONDON Be the best detective and help open one of the most complex cases and unravel the identity of a thief. ONE MINOR DETAIL CAN BE THE KEY TO SOLVING THE MYSTERY Test your powers of observation during a search for clues in the most unexpected places. UNFORGETTABLE JOURNEY TO INDIA Secret life of Indian temples conceals many mysteries. Investigate with Holmes in England and India to reveal the mysterious crime. Attractive locations, intriguing mini-games and hidden object puzzles will not let you be bored. Features: - realistic scenes featuring your favorite characters - diverse game locations: hidden objects, spot the difference, puzzles, intriguing mini-games - most of the objects are genuine antiques! - innovative system of photo hints for hidden objects.



  • This game is TRULY free: you can download it for free and play with no in-game purchases.
  • Realistic scenes featuring your favorite characters
  • Diverse game locations: hidden objects, spot the difference, puzzles, intriguing mini-games

További információ



Szerzői jogok

2018 CrispApp Studio


CrispApp Studio

Megjelenés dátuma

2018. 04. 11.

Hozzávetőleges méret

310,91 MB


3 éves kortól


Akció és kaland

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Az alkalmazás Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve szerezhető be és telepíthető legfeljebb tíz Windows 10-es eszközre.

Támogatott nyelv

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Nederlands (Nederland)
Русский (Россия)

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