A(z) Recursive Dragon jelenleg nem érhető el.


Life on Dragonia planet is difficult, but interesting. Dragons have their sacred traditions. Every young dragon must undergo an initiation rite. He needs to make a round-the-world trip and study all the four sectors of the planet: Sector of Spring, Sector of Summer, Sector of Autumn and Sector of Winter. Only the dragon who knows and understands his native planet can be considered an adult one. Burt was born and raised on Dragonia. Since childhood little dragons remember the simple but wise idea: only those who really know their planet will be able to live in harmony with it and will not break the delicate balance of nature. Burt has dreamed of the round-the-world trip since he was small, and now the time has come. Travel all the way anong with Burt, feel like a young dragon! Explore all sectors of the planet, visit the lands of blossoming spring, warm summer, golden autumn and snowy winter. Recursive Dragon is: - Colorful exploration game; - Various locations and sudden obstacles; - A great chance to visit Dragonia planet and explore its unique nature.


A vásárlók további kedvencei

További információ


Teen Games LLC

Megjelenés dátuma

2020. 02. 04.

Hozzávetőleges méret

152,42 MB


3 éves kortól


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