A(z) Sky Force Invaders: Fun Free Space Shooter jelenleg nem érhető el.


This is your funny free game! If you lovely free space shooter games, asteroid, shoot em up or bullet hell, this shmup game is for you for free. There is no Forced ADS! Download this shmup right now! A retro space invaders where fun is really guaranteed. The airattack you were waiting for. The planet Earth has been destroyed by a strange alien race called "Tron" .The army of the new Earth 2 decides to create a new type of weapon, the Sky Force Strike. The SSF are specially created to eliminate Tron attack forces. Like a space invaders classic, game are equipped with a large arsenal of weapons, blasters, drones, missiles and shields. Perfect fun on casual and free games, evade all asteroids. Galaxy Strikers: Space Invaders Features: - 3 Types Phoenix of classes spaceships each with a different type of skill. - Epic star fight with retro style. - Over 60 levels with beautiful design to enjoy. - Galaxy shooter story with two alternate endings. - The controls are easy to learn and use. - Translated into more than 7 languages! - One of the Free games of the year!! - Special shmup games on Xenon Space. - 60 Levels with space fleets in Gradius. - 6 Final Boss in R-Type galaxy wars. - 12 Xenon Spaceship to customize, take care with the asteroids! A new space jet 3d, where you can select your spaceship and upgrade or customize alot of weapons, shiled, or magnet! Our cool shooting games have special soundTrack, you could download or enjoy it playing the best shooting game ever. If you like laser shooting games, you must play Space Invaders: Galaxy Sky Force Strike, is a know as best space game with spaceships on space and you must protect the Earth, then this is your space invaders free games. Casual games will never be the same! Join to Star fight for beginners and advanced players. Visit our Facebook page and give us your opinion to further improve our game the best Sky Force: https://www.facebook.com/24codelimit/ Space Invaders Galaxy: Sky Force Strike for a fun free game, enjoy the funny galaxy shooter!


A verzió újdonságai

* Fixed quality graphics engine. * Added Settings Menu * Update support for controls * Fixed minor Bug.


  • Fast and funny free game with more than 60 level.
  • Amazing remake of classic space invaders with more powerfull graphics.
  • Amazing History with one epic final Boss for Stage.
  • 6 Original B.S.O , you can download the complete soundtrack.
  • Hard Shooter with BulletHell mode in advanced levels.
  • Special spaceships with custom weapons and powers.
  • Continuosly updating with more features the Shoot em up.

További információ


24 CodeLimit

Szerzői jogok

24 Code Limit SLNEU

Megjelenés dátuma

2017. 10. 13.

Hozzávetőleges méret

97,67 MB


3 éves kortól


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