1 725,00 HUF
1 725,00 HUF


"Smart Moves" is a puzzle with a strong roguelike feel. Different worlds with levels of increasing difficulty, sneaky monsters, unexpected obstacles and great treasures await you. Smart moves are the key to survival! "Smart moves" is a combination of puzzle and turn-based roguelike mechanics. Destroy monsters, open chests! The hero can attack monsters when both are standing on neighboring squares. Avoid being the first at a distance of impact! The hero can't skip turns, but can use level objects - or other monsters - to “skip” the turn. Every game level is a puzzle with its own logical solution. You have to discover and learn how objects interact with each other in the game world. You get a new playing experience where game mechanics are of maximum importance. Original art style included.


További információ


Grin robot


Grin robot

Megjelenés dátuma

2021. 04. 14.

Hozzávetőleges méret

40,4 MB


7 éves kortól

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Telepíthető egy Windows 10-es PC-re, valamint elérhető Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve.

Támogatott nyelv

English (United States)

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