IngyenesAlkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál
+ Alkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál


VIP Belote – Choose the french Belote! Play cards and win new friends in the most social Belote game in France! VIP Belote is a multiplatform Belote game, which is available for every device! Join and play with thousands of other people all over the world. VIP Belote gives players the unique mix between modern design, entertaining and realistic game experience combined with very strong integrated social element. Belote is a popular card game in France. In its most common variation it is played by four people, divided in two teams and with a deck consisting of 32 cards: 7, 8, 9, 10, J (jack), Q (queen), K (king), A (ace) from the four suits (clubs,diamonds,hearts,spades). ★ Why VIP Belote ? ➤ Modern and realistic design; ➤ Play Coinche and Belote with Declarations; ➤ Fast registration; ➤ Facebook integration; ➤ Possibility to play with one account on every device; ➤ Possibility to play in different rooms depending on your level cap and the experience of the player; ➤ Affordable, convenient and easy payments methods for the In-Game Products; ➤ 24/7 Technical Support; ★ In game there are In-App Purchases like Chips(the virtual currency in VIP Belote) and the special VIP-status, which gives you the following: ♛Send friend requests♛ ♛Global chat♛ ♛Send private messages to strangers♛ ♛Play in special VIP rooms and participate in a monthly draw for special gifts♛ ♛Create games in Play with friends♛ ♛Unlock special phrases in the game♛ ♛Get a special VIP frame for your avatar♛ ♛View the photos of other users♛ ★ VIP Belote is available on all platforms : ✓ WEB browser; ✓ Facebook; ✓ iPhone; ✓ iPad; ✓ Android; ✓ Windows; ✓ SMART TV; ★ WHAT’S NEXT? VIP Belote continues to evolve! Expect upcoming releases, which will continue to surprise you and improve the quality of the game. ★True fans of VIP Belote? Your opinion is important to us! Contact us at or write us on Facebook -


A vásárlók további kedvencei

A verzió újdonságai

The biggest bag of changes is finally here! We're reworking the Game Lobby, adding Tournaments and giving you much more than ordinary Belote! - We support blitz tournaments for 8 or 16 players; - We're have new Coinche Training room; - You can now merge your guest account with Facebook; - We've also added a Christmas board and card backs;


  • Play against real opponents and find new friends

További információ



Szerzői jogok

Casualino JSC

Megjelenés dátuma

2016. 07. 23.

Hozzávetőleges méret

31,23 MB


3 éves kortól

Az alkalmazás ezeket a műveleteket végezheti el:

Hozzáférés az internetkapcsolathoz és működés kiszolgálóként.
Hozzáférés az otthoni vagy munkahelyi hálózatokhoz


Az alkalmazás Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve szerezhető be és telepíthető legfeljebb tíz Windows 10-es eszközre.

Támogatott nyelv

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Français (France)

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