1 725,00 HUF
1 725,00 HUF


Without Escape harkens back to first-person graphic adventures of the early ‘90s, which relied on pre-rendered backgrounds and full-motion video to tell interactive stories. Explore the confines of your own home as you flip between a mundane existence and a horrifying otherworld. Can you escape the nightmare and find the answers you’re looking for?



  • Reconnect with the past through classic point-and-click exploration.
  • Overcome enigmatic puzzles that will test your wits.
  • Play your way with gamepad, keyboard and mouse support.
  • Immerse yourself in your home’s oppressive atmosphere with an atmospheric soundtrack.
  • Gaze upon 1080p pre-rendered backgrounds – in your old home, which has become a hellish nightmare.
  • Discover multiple endings, secrets, and Easter eggs.

További információ


Bumpy Trail Games

Megjelenés dátuma

2018. 04. 24.

Hozzávetőleges méret

304,67 MB


16 éves kortól


Akció és kaland


Az alkalmazás Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve szerezhető be és telepíthető legfeljebb tíz Windows 10-es eszközre.

Támogatott nyelv

English (United States)

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