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Backgammon Basics and Rules / How to Play Each player has a piece set of Backgammon checkers. In front of him/her is the home board where he/she should bear off while the side across is the starting point. This means the opponents starting point is exactly on the opposite side. The objective is to remove all of one's own checkers from the board before one's opponent does. When a player leaves a checker single, the opponent has the option to make a blot, plus leave the checker temporarily out of game. Once the player has moved all his fifteen checkers into his/her home board, might commence “bearing off”. Hints: If during a game a player has not been able to bear off neither of his checkers, the other player scores a gammon, a double victory, which counts twice a normal win (doubling). Backgammon Arena offers 6 live Game Modes (different rooms and themes) according to your progress. Start your unlocking journey, enjoy the trip with unlimited games! 1. Newbies (learn the tricks at level 1) 2. Amateurs (rush for the win at level 2) 3. Professionals (pro race unlocked at level 4) 4. Experts (high stakes matches unlocked at level 6) 5. Super VIP Players (unlocked by superiors at level 8) 6. Gods! (unlocked by the unbeatables at level 10) Backgammon Arena is multiplayer and can be highly competitive among elite dice gurus. Luck is needed but long practice is Gold! Test your skills and strategy, win one match after the other, have fun with buddies, level up, enjoy prestigious trophies, earn amazing prizes and become the master of the best and most popular dice game! Get in this premium club! Join the worldwide community of Backgammon champions! Backgammon Arena Features • Compete with REAL players: no robots / no artificial intelligence opponents. • FAIR dice roll and PLAYING: Backgammon Arena uses a "cryptographically secure" random number generator, implemented by the OpenSSL library, for all random aspects of the game. This is a state of the art RNG that is guaranteed to generate uncorrelated and unpredictable values. • Quality, hd graphics in each mode.




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