Šai spēlei ir bezmaksas izmēģinājumversija

9,99 €
9,99 €


DARTS Scorer Classic is the best and most easy to use darts scoreboard app. You can test the app for 7 days for free and convince yourself. The main features are: ▪ Game modes: X01 (301/501), Cricket, Shanghai ▪ Local mode: Supports unlimited amount of players ▪ Online mode: Play remotely with your friends and relatives ▪ X01-Bots: Practice by playing against three differently skilled bots ▪ Real dartboard ▪ Smart checkout helper for beginners or pros ▪ Voice recognition and speech output with customizable keywords ▪ Player management with profile pictures ▪ Statistics ONLINE MODE (cross-platform): You can play X01-games online against your friends and relatives. The amount of online players is unlimited, and you don't need to set up accounts. Just tap on "Online", create a game and share the join code. Other players can join to your game using the join code. It is also possible to rejoin the game using this code if you had connection issues. The online-mode supports cross-platform multiplayer with Windows, Android and iOS.


Citiem patīk arī

Jaunumi šajā versijā

▪ Bug fixes and performance improvements


  • X01 (501/701)
  • Cricket
  • Shanghai
  • Voice recognition
  • Speech output
  • Checkout helper
  • Online mode



HIG Studio


HIG Studio

Izlaišanas datums


Aptuvenais lielums

36,52 MB

Vecuma ierobežojums

No 3 gadu vecuma


Citas spēles

Šai programmai ir piešķirtas tālāk norādītās atļaujas.

Izmantot mikrofonu
Piekļūt interneta savienojumam


Iegūstiet šo programmu, kad esat pierakstījies savā Microsoft kontā, un instalējiet programmu līdz pat desmit Windows 10 ierīcēs.

Atbalstītā valoda

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Nederlands (Nederland)

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