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+ Oferă achiziții în cadrul aplicației


Merge the dice and become the Dice King! This simple puzzle game is easy to learn and fun to master. How good are you at solving puzzles? Find out by playing Dice King! How to Play: Dice King is a fun puzzle game where the goal is to score points by merging dice and clearing them off the board. Merge dice by connecting three or more dice of the same value on the board. When you merge the dice, they will be replaced by a single die that is one value higher. For example, merging a set of dice with value 1 will create a new die on the board of value 2. Bombs: Merging three or more 6 value dice will create a bomb. Merging three or more bombs will clear all dice in the surrounding area. You can also replace a die on the board with a bomb by pressing the bomb button in the lower right corner of the screen. FOLLOW US:

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Alte persoane apreciază și


  • Different game modes: classic merge dice, double dice, time challenge, and Pro mode
  • Stunning graphics with custom dice selection
  • Win more with daily wheel of fortune

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

Random Salad Games LLC

Drept de autor

Copyright © 2020, Random Salad Games LLC

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

150,32 MB

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Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mari

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Vă accesează conexiunea la internet și acționează ca un server.
Vă accesează rețelele de acasă sau de la locul de muncă


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