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4,49 RON
4,49 RON


Free dinosaur fossil hunting educational game. Track down dinosaur fossils around the world without leaving home. Suitable for UK Key Stage 2, 3, 4 & 5 - USA 2nd to 12th Grade (Age 7 - adult) This is a fun learning game all about dinosaurs. You search for the fossil remains of these ancient creatures in all parts of the world in the game and store your finds in your fossil tray, learning about them as you go. The game involves searching photographs of locations around the world for dinosaur remains and then correctly identifying your finds using the reference section. Grey Olltwit Educational Programs: - Simple design makes them suitable for all, including Special Needs students e.g. ADHD, Autism, ASD etc. - Suitable for all ages. No furry animals or pre-school graphics - Certificates and/or High Score Tables reward good effort

Capturi de ecran


  • FREE Full Version App
  • NO annoying adverts or In-App purchases
  • Easy to play
  • Mouse or Touch screen
  • Very suitable for Special Needs e.g. ADHD
  • Small file size

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

Grey Olltwit Software

Drept de autor

Grey Olltwit Software

Dezvoltat de

Grey Olltwit Software

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

15,37 MB

Evaluare după vârstă

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English (United States)

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